Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall has arrived

This weekend, I celebrated my 41st birthday quietly and snow decided to make a debut.  Now, that was quite a birthday present. I'm not sure if I want it to become a tradition though. Thinking back over the past year, once again there have been highs and lows but I survived it all.  Yes, I grumbled, mumbled and complained but I survived.

The weight loss is continuing although slower than I anticipated.  The numbers on the scale have stopped moving, but the inches are still coming off.  My goal is to be 15 lbs thinner by Christmas and I can see that goal being reached.  It is definitely a daily assignment to eat healthy and exercise.

In just 6 days, Mea is traveling to Texas for a Girl Scout convention.  I'm so excited for her to be able to experience such an event.  Thankfully, she was able to do some fundraising this summer to help offset costs, but it's still expensive to provide for her meals, tips and attractions while there.  I can't wait to here all about it when she returns.  This will be her first airplane ride and being this far away from home.

What will Ryan and I get ourselves into while she is gone?!  Hmmm  It's going to be weird just him and I being home for 6 days without Sissy. He's always barging in her room and sneaking her food.

Today is Day 3 of my vacation from work.  If I can call it that.  I'm not in the office but have texts and calls from them every day.  Oh Boy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Still looking up...

It's a new month and a new day!  I can honestly say that I am still moving forward and looking up. The kids are doing great, the summer is runing away from us but we are having  a good time. anyway.  For the most part we are all healthly (minor illness here and there). 

The weight loss is still continuing as I am a participant in the "biggest loser" contest at work.  I have not reached the 170's - yeah for me! Healthier eating is a daily exercise for me but I'm sticking to it.  Each day I am also continuing to make time for me - it might only be a few minutes here or there but it's my time.

Once again, I've stepped into the dating arena - I think.  Over the past few weeks, I've been chatting with an old friend and we seem to hit it off.  We'll see...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seeing results...

I'm continuing on my journey of eating healthier and exercising.  The results are getting greater an greater.  It's not to say there are not hurdles and set backs from to time but progress is here.  I just need to stay focused and know that each day is a new day.    My employer is hosting a "biggest loser" contest beginning June 20th.  I've signed up for this one and am looking forward to the extra motivation and accountability.

Monday, April 18, 2011

When technology doesn't work - life can get boring, huh?!

So, I've picked up the joy of reading once again with a vengenance.  Ok - let me be honest, I've picked up the joy of books on tape - audio books again.  Listen I still have 2 partially read books from over a year ago that I can't seem to finish.  It's not that they are not interesting - I just can't seem to find the time to pick them up and read them - or is it I sometimes can't remember where I put them.  LOL 

Anyway, I listen to my audio books at work and in the car on my way to whereever.  Well, lo and behold the work laptop dvd/cd drive died about two weeks ago.  Being that the dvd/cd drive is not a necessity for my day to day work duties, I wasn't sure I should request to have it "checked out" .  These audio books have saved my life and a few co-workers as they allow me to drain out the ridiculous chatter that goes on around the office - or better yet - allows me to drown out the disturbing folks that invade my ear space. 

So, about a week ago I decided, I could no longer take the "quiet" so I decided to open a ticket to have the drive check out.  My new drive arrived on Friday and I was so excited until I realized I had no books on hand.  I was devastated.  So this weekend, I quickly loaded up library account and will be skipping down the street in minutes to pick up my latest audio book. Yippee!!!! 

In the meantime, I've discovered a few apps on my phone that allow me to listen to podcasts on various issues from parenting to vacations, news tidbits, etc.  Currently, I'm listening to Manic Mommies - they can also be found at  Then there are the Satelite Sisters and Listen to Baby Time.  I feel like I've struck gold here.  These sights are easy on the ears, have topics I can relate to and some episodes are laugh out loud funny.  Now, that's the tricking part as I have just blurted out comments myself a few times this morning.

See it's the little things in life that make me happy.  My Palm Pre Plus has so many features and tidbits that I stumble across from time to time that just brightens up my day.  Now, if only I could find out how to put items back on my lauch pad (or whatever it is called).

Ok, let me get back to work!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A little of this and that....

My outlook on life is picking up more and more each day.  That's not to say there are no hiccups, mistakes, or setbacks. However, the good times and accomplishments far out weigh them. Let's see,   Timea was accepted into the Nurse Tech program at school and received a perfect attendance award.  Then she topped it off and placed 1st in the 9th grade interview skills test. Way to go, Mea!!!!

Ryan's vocabulary is steady increasing which is scarry as he repeats everything, EVERYTHING!  And the repeats are in the right context at times, which should not be spoken by a two year old.  He will repeat any conversation word for word.  Potty training is moving along steadily.

I'm so thankful that the weather is slowly getting warmer so that we can shed the heavy clothing and get out to the park and get moving.  The gas prices are have gotten way out of hand, so as a family we decided to walk more instead of driving when it's appropriate.  Today, we got up and walked to church since it was such a beautiful sunny day.  So, we saved gas and got some exercise.  I'm now down 8 lbs and counting - slow but steady.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Short and sweet

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

I see clearly now the rain is gone (at least at moment)...

So, I'm still decluttering and getting rid of the baggage - in my life and on my body.  Whew! It's a lot of work but I like challenges for hte most part.  I'm down 5 lbs so far and feeling great.  Only 50 more to go.  Each day I am carving out at least 15 - 30 minutes for me and me only.  I have dreams of actually reaching 60 whole minutes. 

On Sunday I spent 2 hours cleaning out my closet.  I must have had clothes in six different sizes.  It felt could to deliver a huge box to Goodwill on Monday.  Spring cleaning is actually enjoyable this year.  I still have lots to get done but I've started and I see progress.

My daughter was selected as one of 6 girls from our Girl Scout council to attend the National Convention in Houston, TX next fall. I am so proud of her!  Then today, she finds out that she was accepted into both of her top two shops at school.  Yes, I see growth and progress (if only we could tape her mouth shut from timeto time).  She has her own opinions and freely shares all the time.  Wow.  Oh to be a teenager again - Not.  It's hard to believe that she's turning 15 and will be heading off to college in 3 years.  Oh how time flies.

My littlest trooper is such a joy. His vocabulary is quite extensive, he forgets nothing, well almost nothing, except where his shoes are most times...lolol  He loves, bubbles, bananas, chicken and his umbrellas.  He is learing the ABC song and sings it proudly.  You can recognize A B C D E then it's gobbledygoop until you get to L & M then off to mumble land and we hit S something something W U X UUD (yes UUD instead of Y and Z.  We repeat UUD about nine times in a row before starting from the beginning of the song.  I must record this as it is definitely a keeper.  Potty training has picked up once again.  He had a good 2 weeks of the stomach bug off and on so there was no need for PT.

Spring has arrived and so did the snow flurries this morning.  I'm still in shock.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Putting one foot in front of the other...

I have a better understanding of putting one foot in front of the other one at a time.  If I do it too fast or too slow, I'm the one that is going  to fall flat on my face.  So, one foot in front of the other one at a time and head held hight.  I'm moving forward and it's exciting.  The past is the past  including what happened yesterday - so there is no need to over analyze or fret.  Spring is on it's way and I'm going to enjoy it one day and one step at a time. 

So, it's taking some time and energy but I am taking out time for me.  If it's just finding a few minutes to read, blog or take a cat nap.  It's my time and I'm loving it.  It hasn't been easy to put me in the fore front but I'm coming along nicely.  The inches and the pounds are slowing coming off once again and that is such an uplift. 

Now, it's time to move on to organizing and getting rid of the 'dead' weight of old clothes and such that are just taking up space since I can't see to part with them.  Today is a new day and I'm ready!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Getting in shape for a new season

Thankful for another day that the Lord has made.  My uncle Jackie passed away on Feb. 16th.  I'm so grateful that I was able to spend some time with him before his passing. There are days when I feel sad that I'll not get to spend another holiday with him or go and get him a gift, but then I think of all the happy times that we shared in the past 40 years of my life.At those thoughts, I start to smile and remember that we are only here for a season. 

February has rolled away and now March is here shining brightly.  Spring is just a few short weeks away and it's that time to rethink all the winter habits I've picked up (on various) parts of my being and shed them. I'm so thankful that it's not as many as I thought but still it's something.  As the season begins to change, it means thinking of spring break, summer vacation, spring cleaning and on and on and on. 

Each day, I'm adding more and more steps to my  daily count.  I will reach 10,000 shortly. I'm not back into a regular exercise reoutine just yet but I will be soon enough.  Cutting back on the snacks and over/late nite eating has helped out.  At work, we are having the Biggest Loser Challenge once again.  It's a great motivator while at work.  I just need to carry some of that enthusiasm home with me.  The Monday morning weigh ins this round will keep me from overeating on the weekends which is worse since I'm home with the eat 'em up twins.  My ultimate goal is to lose 56 lbs.  However, I'm taking it one day at a time. 

Enjoy your day/evening.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Never quite prepared

Just received the call from my mom that hospice has been called in for my uncle Jackie.  We all know that death is a certainty for everyone at some point, however no matter the age, it still hits you like a ton of bricks.  This happens to be one of my favorite uncles so it's particulary hard to grasp.  I don't know where to start to pray or what to say which is so unlike me.  I'll be heading to see him tomorrow as he's been asking for me the past few days. 
I couldn't figure out why I've been moping around the house all day - just no energy to do anything that took much energy - pajama day indeed.  Now, I can say it was just God's way of preparing me and reserving my energy for the drive home and emotional roller coaster. 
Keep me and my family in prayer and I'll continue to do the same for you and yours.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Continuing on my journey

The month of January is coming to and end in just a few days.  It's been a joyous month and a month of trials.  Through it all, I'm just moving forward.  Birthdays and holidays are still rolling along.  The weather has been quite a sight to marvel at and yet, each day is what you make it. It's that time again to put some weights of this life to the side.  I've carried them along or should I say dragged a few along for long enough.  Whether they are friendships, family ties, work relationships or activities.  When it's no longer exciting and becomes a burden it's time for a change.  With raninbows and rain go hand in hand and I accept that with open arms. I'm just going to carry my umbrella instead of the foolishness. Now, that made me smile.

Financially, things are no better today, than last week or last month.  However, me and the kids are not going without what is necessary in life.  We've just had to cut back on the "wants" in our life.  It's not as bad as we anticipated but is taking so getting used to. Each day is a new day.  Child support would be nice to have although for the past 10 months it's been one big goose egg on that front.  Monday brings along another family court date.  Let's see what the outcome will be on this case. 

On a much brighter note....Today was a snow day from work and school.  It was good to be home with the kids during the week.  Out shoveling snow, cooking together and just enjoying each other's company.  We need more days like this one.  It's hard to think about trying to plan some type of vacation when there is all this snow on the ground.  Hopefully, we can get away for a least a weekend this summer.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joy and Tears....

I'm just sitting here watching Ryan sleep and I'm amazed that it's been two years already.  Wow - time sure waits for no one.  It has been an enjoyable two years watching this little dependent person become an increasingly independent person.  It's times like right this very minute that I wish I could just freeze time for a while - no I won't say how long - and truly enjoy it.  Rewind it back, freeze it and start it again slowly. You justs never know how much you can love a person more and more each day until you have a child.  Mommy loves you Ry.

In the other room is the teenager, Mea.  Lord give me strength!  This hormonal 1st child is going to test me more than I ever tested my parents.  There are days - like today that I love her with everything.  She insisted on making Ry his birthday cake and buying him his two fish - Nemo and Nemo. What a beautiful and thoughtful gesture on her part.  However, where was this child on Sunday and Monday - obviously on vacation from planet earth.  I can see me being on prozac, zanax and whatever else is on the market if she does not get through these teenagers years in the next 2 months.  My, My My.  Mommy loves you Mea.

I'll post pictures in the next day or so. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where is the time going....

2011 is definitely taking off at a quick pace.  Good or bad, I'm here for the full ride.  The holiday's quickly rolled through and I must say I enjoyed them more this year than any other.  January is now in full swing  and I'm looking forward to celebrating Ryan's 2nd birthday.  The week of his bday will be bittersweet but I will make the most of it. The 19th we celebrate his birthday, ok so we will begin to start celebrating his birthday this weekend through the actual day and onto the weekend.  I figure I celebrate for a month for the kids should have the same fun.  I think it's time to actually make some big day plans.  Why am i bothering with a cake when Ryan doesn't even eat cake or cookies.  Can I get a fruit snacks cake?  He would devour that in seconds flat. He loves pizza although I think he may be allergic to tomatoes as occasionally after eating tomato products he starts to itch.  Good grief little boy!  Maybe cakeballs or cupcakes for the family and friends. 

Another snow storm is looming for tomorrow evening so it's possible a snow day from school and work will be in order for Wednesday.  I've forwarned my office that any accumulation over 3 inches and I'm working form home.  We had a dusting on Friday and it took over 75 minutes to get to work - thisis normally a 35 minute ride.  If it's going to snow, make it enough for a state of emergency.  This piddle widdle here and there just gets my car dirty and I hate to wash a car.  LOL 

That reminds me I need to down load pictures of Ryan on his bike in the snow after Christmas.  Too funny.  I can't believe my baby is turning 2 in a week.  Wow, this has been a quick two years.  He is becoming such a big fella.  His latest statement is What the hell?  I walk into my room on Sunday afternoon and he's reading his colors book and I hear - What the hell? So I stop to see if he will say it again and sure enough, he turns the page and there it goes again.  I have to stoop by the side of the bed in order for him not to see me laughing.  So I calmly tell him that's not a nice thing to say.  He politely ignores me and continues to read his book.  Yes, that's my child. 

Sissy turns 15 this year and is already picked out the theme for her party.  She has been watching too many episodes of My Sweet Sixteen. I keep reminding her that I'm not a millionaire and things will be on a smaller scale. Much smaller.  A masquerade ball is the top choice so far this month.  hahahahah  Yeah, ok.  She has yet to provide the location name.  I can just imagine what she has in mind.  She is growing up way to fast for my taste also. She lost her internet and new laptop privileges before the year rolled in.  My child when will she learn to follow the rules.  I do remember being a teenager and all the rush to grow up, but there is way more technology at this kids beck and call.  I feel like a police officer patrolling her activities.  I just keep reminding myself and her, it's for her own good.  One day she will thank me. 

Let me sign off - it's 1:14am (that's what I get for laying down with Ry).  This alarm clock will be plucking my last nerve in 4 short hours as someone needs to hit the grocery store before the snow.  I knew I should have gone out instead of laying down.  Oh well, the grocery store should be well stocked and empty.
Proverbs 5:1-3  My son, attend unto my wisdome; Incline thine ear to my understanding; That thou mayest preserve discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge

Monday, January 3, 2011


Driving back home yesterday after picking up Ryan from my parents, there was a rainbow.  When I looked closer it was actually a rainbow inside of a rainbow.  Absolutely beautiful!!!  Each time I thought we had passed the rainbow, I would look up and there it was again.  Bigger and bolder than the last time.  It so reminded of me of the many times we think that we've missed our mark or an opportunity, however we look up or look around a corner and there's a better opportunity. Or we see our path a little clearer.

2011 is my Rainbow - a clearer, bolder and brighter opportunity.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1st Day Blogging

Today is January 1, 2011!  So, I promised myself about a year or so ago to begin keeping a journal each day.  Well, that lasted for a little while.  Now, I see a few friends blogging and I follow a few others and decided to try my hand at this challenge.  The words you will see on this page are how I see things.  You may or may not agree, but remember this is my blog and this is how I see it.  It is my desire to be able to express how I see things - the good, the bad, the ugly and all the others.

I'm a single mom of two beautiful children.  They are14 and almost 2.  Yes, there's going to be a birthday in 18 days.  That reminds me I need to work on birthday party plans.  Pictures to be posted at some point.  Keep in mind I'm new at this and need to feel my way around.

Wow - another year to be grateful, thankful and blessed (and be a blessing).  Although I haven't stepped foot out the door just yet on this 1st day of 2011, it looks to be a beautiful day out and I promise to make the most out of it.

Psalms 9 I will give thanks unto Jehovah with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works