Monday, April 18, 2011

When technology doesn't work - life can get boring, huh?!

So, I've picked up the joy of reading once again with a vengenance.  Ok - let me be honest, I've picked up the joy of books on tape - audio books again.  Listen I still have 2 partially read books from over a year ago that I can't seem to finish.  It's not that they are not interesting - I just can't seem to find the time to pick them up and read them - or is it I sometimes can't remember where I put them.  LOL 

Anyway, I listen to my audio books at work and in the car on my way to whereever.  Well, lo and behold the work laptop dvd/cd drive died about two weeks ago.  Being that the dvd/cd drive is not a necessity for my day to day work duties, I wasn't sure I should request to have it "checked out" .  These audio books have saved my life and a few co-workers as they allow me to drain out the ridiculous chatter that goes on around the office - or better yet - allows me to drown out the disturbing folks that invade my ear space. 

So, about a week ago I decided, I could no longer take the "quiet" so I decided to open a ticket to have the drive check out.  My new drive arrived on Friday and I was so excited until I realized I had no books on hand.  I was devastated.  So this weekend, I quickly loaded up library account and will be skipping down the street in minutes to pick up my latest audio book. Yippee!!!! 

In the meantime, I've discovered a few apps on my phone that allow me to listen to podcasts on various issues from parenting to vacations, news tidbits, etc.  Currently, I'm listening to Manic Mommies - they can also be found at  Then there are the Satelite Sisters and Listen to Baby Time.  I feel like I've struck gold here.  These sights are easy on the ears, have topics I can relate to and some episodes are laugh out loud funny.  Now, that's the tricking part as I have just blurted out comments myself a few times this morning.

See it's the little things in life that make me happy.  My Palm Pre Plus has so many features and tidbits that I stumble across from time to time that just brightens up my day.  Now, if only I could find out how to put items back on my lauch pad (or whatever it is called).

Ok, let me get back to work!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A little of this and that....

My outlook on life is picking up more and more each day.  That's not to say there are no hiccups, mistakes, or setbacks. However, the good times and accomplishments far out weigh them. Let's see,   Timea was accepted into the Nurse Tech program at school and received a perfect attendance award.  Then she topped it off and placed 1st in the 9th grade interview skills test. Way to go, Mea!!!!

Ryan's vocabulary is steady increasing which is scarry as he repeats everything, EVERYTHING!  And the repeats are in the right context at times, which should not be spoken by a two year old.  He will repeat any conversation word for word.  Potty training is moving along steadily.

I'm so thankful that the weather is slowly getting warmer so that we can shed the heavy clothing and get out to the park and get moving.  The gas prices are have gotten way out of hand, so as a family we decided to walk more instead of driving when it's appropriate.  Today, we got up and walked to church since it was such a beautiful sunny day.  So, we saved gas and got some exercise.  I'm now down 8 lbs and counting - slow but steady.